• Flange Joint Management on Dredging vessel

    Flange Joint Management on Dredging vessel


    Marine Industry client


    Port of Brisbane 4178

    Related Services:

    Project Brief

    BLJ In-situ solutions were engaged to machine the Port Side lower dredge line flange face, after it was discovered the dredgers steel ring moved during the fabrication process. 2 highly skilled technicians were sent out to the port to discuss options with ships engineer’s. BLJ’s solution was to provide on-site machining of the flange face, using a  6′ to 40″ Flange Facer, removed 1.2mm of material, the flange face connection was steel to steel.

    Flange Joint Management Services allows our clients to better maintain and refurbish pressure vessels, bolted joints and valves.


    The steel ring of the Port Side lower dredge line flange face moved during the fabrication process.


    On site machining of the flange face, using a  6′ to 40″ Flange Facer, removed 1.2mm of material, the flange face connection was steel to steel.

    We look forward to working with you.

    For more information on our services, please fill out the form and one of our team members will be in touch.